How to Fast 24 hrs Easily
Many think fasting for one meal is hard. To fast 24 hrs easily,  you must understand how to do it, then it's easy and safe. There are some who would be benefited more from abstinence from food for a day or two every week than by any amount of treatment or medical advice. To fast one day a week would be of incalculable benefit to them. - EGW How to Fast 24hrs Easily
  1. Eat Fruits for dinner and end your fasting the next day, dinner with Fruits. In between your fasting, plain water or melons.
  2. Good to choose single fruit like apples, bananas, etc. Anything you prefer and affordable.
  3. Melons can be taken while fasting. Helps to detox the body through kidneys and they are diuretics. Also supplies energy.
  4. Take enough rest. You can spend the time with prayer, meditation, and contemplation on important things that worry you.
  5. Spend the time reading books and doing research on important topics are worth during the fasting time.
  6. Avoid physical work that will make you feel tired. Take enough rest as much as possible.
  7. Plan and choose a day, in such a way that you are not distracted during fasting.
  8. Finish all house chores during the previous day.
  9. People who are diabetic and those who have any health-related issue, get advice from health professionals before doing fasting.
Benefits of Fasting
  1. Fasting can do more than any other method to correct deficient Conditions.
  2. Taste is improved, and food tastes unbelievably better.
  3. The sense of smell is heightened and fasters can smell food at great distances;
  4. The Intellect is made keener along with a new sense of awareness and understanding.
  5. Helps to enjoy healthy food: People who have perverted their taste by eating rich and highly spiced foods, often have no taste for simple wholesome food.
  6. Not much sleep is required while fasting. The expected amount of sleep is usually from 3 to 5 hours during 24 hours.
  7. Helps in Reversing Chronic Diseases like Hypertension, Cancer, Auto-immune Conditions, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, etc.