Xulon Zoe Lifestyle Health Retreat
Jothi PremSanker, Founder
Started in 2010, to help Cancer patients given up doctors. Now helping people to reverse chronic diseases and come out of medications, through Diet, Lifestyle, and Natural remedies.
Pre-terminal Cancer Success Rate
Early Stage Kidney Failure
High Blood Pressure
Auto-immune Diseases
Women's Health
Men's Health
Its Impossible to be Happy without good Health. The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. Our Nutritional Rebalancing Programs are designed to provide the Easiest Practical Lifestyle Transformation to What Constitutes Good Health.
Impressive evidence now exists to show that: Advanced Heart Disease, relatively advanced cancers of certain types, diabetes, and a few other degenerative diseases can be reversed by diet.
Xulon Zoe is committed to assisting people through the use of simple, natural methods, using exercise, plant-based nutrition, hydrotherapy, the rational and judicious use of some herbs and supplements, and firm faith in the God.